Monday, July 4, 2011

Day 15

The baby- ASPEN!
All about kiddos! I hope you are having a wonderful 4th of July. Reed and I took our niece to the park this morning. It was a good 20 minute walk, hour outside, then 20 minutes back. We wore her out and vice versa. I then did a WOD really quick in my garage that consisted of 200M row, 20 squats, 10 push-ups- 10 rounds of that. It got hot real quick!  This upped my water intake. Reed did a total of 100 push ups and 130 pull ups! I love my husband! I made some sugar free, pink lemonade popsicles for later and I have pork chops thawing. So far I have had cereal with no fruit then apples and oranges after the workout. I will have a smoothie later with pineapple, banana, strawberry, and coconut milk (if I get hungry or some nuts). Pork chops and veggies for dinner- I may do beans if I feel like I need to. I hope you have a wonderful start to your week! Here are tons of kid-friendly Paleo sites for all of my buddies out there with Cave Kids! XOXOXO

The woman from has small children that she makes great snacks and desserts for.

Try those out and see what you think! I hope this helps you help your children. Be kind to yourself and keep the questions and ideas coming! I cannot express to you how much your support means to Reed and I. I told him yesterday I am finally starting to see a difference- after 15 days! I cannot wait for the next 15 days!

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